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Apple is Facing its Second Lawsuit for 2020 over Repairs on the MacBook Pro

Every year, Apple enthusiasts look forward to the new periodic product announcements from the campus of Apple, in Cupertino, California. In such time, Apple announced its new line of laptop comput...

Reconnecting Citizens with Lost Fortunes: Unclaimed Property Clinic Aims to Empower Pennsylvanians

  Pennsylvania lawmakers, in partnership with the state treasury, are stepping up their efforts to help citizens recover their forgotten fortunes through an unclaimed prop...

Do You Qualify for a Settlement from This Popular Card Processor?

A popular credit card processing company, Plaid, is under fire from consumer regulatory agencies. Here's the information you need to know in order to determine whether you qualify for a potentially la...

Here Are Easy Ways to Find Lost Money You Need to Try Today

Think about your money for a few seconds. Have you ever searched deep beneath the sofa cushions desperately searching for a few extra coins? Well, you're certainly not alone. There never seems to be enough ca...

The Biggest Mistake People Make With Their Tax Refunds and How to Avoid It

Tax season is a time of anticipation for many Americans, with the prospect of a tax refund offering a financial boost. However, the excitement can often lead to poor financial decisions. The bigg...

Unique Ways to Find Unclaimed Funds and Property From the Government

If you think you've lost money, there are many unique ways to locate unclaimed funds and property from the government. Unclaimed money can be found in bank accounts, trust funds, investments, stocks, or ...

Unclaimed Money: How to Locate Extra Funds You Never Knew Existed

Have you ever wondered if you have unclaimed money sitting around waiting to be claimed? If so, you’re not alone. Every year, hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed funds go unclaimed by their r...

Shedding Light on Unclaimed Back Wages: Industries and Companies Contributing to the Problem

The issue of unclaimed back wages continues to plague American workers, with thousands of individuals going unpaid for hours they have worked. Despite efforts by the Department of L...

The UFC Suppressed Fighters' Wages Faces a Class-Action Antitrust Lawsuit

The Ultimate Fighting Championship has faced a new challenge. The federal judge from the U.S. District Court of Nevada, Judge Richard J. Boulware, has granted class-action certification for the C...