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Business and Residents Sue Seattle for the CHOP Zone

The protests in Seattle in the wake of the death of George Floyd have drawn nationwide attention. Protestors in the city have seized control of a several-block area in the city as police have left the area and ceded con...

Grubhub Sued for Forcing "Partnerships" on Restaurants

Grubhub has been one of the businesses that have benefited from the COVID-19 lockdowns as people have ordered food in their homes. However, their business practices have come under attack from restaurants that claim t...

Angry Students Sue University to Get Their Tuition Funds Back

COVID-19 has caused all sorts of changes, and one area where this is particularly evident is education. The majority of schools have switched to online education, and this is causing all sorts of frustrations f...

This Major Lawsuit Loss Could Have Devastating Consequences for Walmart

Retail giant Walmart has been at the center of many lawsuits before, but normally, their team of legal experts help them settle cases and avoid unfavorable court rulings. However, a recent lawsuit pro...

Class Action Lawsuits Versus Regular Claims

A lawsuit that's filed by an individual differs from a class action suit since any damages awarded by a judge are paid to a single plaintiff. A class-action lawsuit is filed when a group of people suffering financial or ph...

Oregon Treasury Holds Over $10 Million in Unclaimed Funds

Oregon Treasury Holds Over $10 Million in Unclaimed Funds According to news from Salem, Oregon, last Tuesday, the Treasury department is set to return around $10 million in unclaimed funds to Oregon residents in t...

Plaintiffs File Lawsuit Regarding Student Loan Credit Reporting

The CARES Act placed the federal student loans of all borrowers into a suspended status. At present, no payment is due and interest is not accruing. Even though borrowers are not currently paying these debts,...

LG Starts Claims in a Class-Action Lawsuit for Its French Door Refrigerators

LG has agreed to a settlement for its French side-by-side refrigerators. Perchance you own a refrigerator produced between January 2014 and December 2017; you may receive a reward for having a defe...

Snapchat Expected To Face Legal Proceedings Over Fatal Accident

Snapchat has become one of the most popular social apps today among teenagers owing to its fun and engaging features. Nevertheless, since its debut, Snapchat has been facing a lot of disparagement and lawsuit...