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Fired Uber Driver Sues for Racial Discrimination Over the Company's Star Rating System

Uber's drivers have filed yet another lawsuit against the company that will both test whether Uber's system discriminates against minority drivers and whether civil rights prote...

Angry Students Sue University to Get Their Tuition Funds Back

COVID-19 has caused all sorts of changes, and one area where this is particularly evident is education. The majority of schools have switched to online education, and this is causing all sorts of frustrations f...

Class Action Lawsuits Versus Regular Claims

A lawsuit that's filed by an individual differs from a class action suit since any damages awarded by a judge are paid to a single plaintiff. A class-action lawsuit is filed when a group of people suffering financial or ph...

Places You Can Easily Find Unclaimed Funds

Unclaimed funds refer to the money the government holds onto before locating the original owner. There are many places where you can find unclaimed funds. Some places are more obvious than others, and some are more likely to have...

Shareholders Sue Carnival for Its Incompetence During the COVID-19 Outbreak

The Diamond Princess Everyone remembers that harrowing trauma that was to befall the Diamond Princess on February 8, 2020. The coronavirus epidemic was in full effect in Wuhan, China, and South...

Lawsuit Stemming from the Flint Water Crisis Can Proceed

The class action lawsuit against Flint for the widespread contamination of the city's water supply has now cleared a key legal hurdle and can proceed further in court. The Michigan Supreme Court issued a ruling ...

The Justice Department Is Readying Antitrust Charges Against Google

Big Tech has been under a legal microscope recently as many have speculated that these companies are getting to big for the American consumer's good. There has been speculation that the federal govern...

Chicago Parking Meters Hit with an Antitrust Lawsuit

The proposed bipartisan compromise on the infrastructure bill has focused some spotlight on the public-private partnerships (PPP) that are a major part of the bill. Critics have argued that these harm the average person...

Oregon Treasury Holds Over $10 Million in Unclaimed Funds

Oregon Treasury Holds Over $10 Million in Unclaimed Funds According to news from Salem, Oregon, last Tuesday, the Treasury department is set to return around $10 million in unclaimed funds to Oregon residents in t...